Bioderma Photoderm Milk Sun Screen SPF 60

Bioderma Photoderm Milk Sun Screen SPF 60

Regular price $27.95 Sale

In addition to its surface UVA/UVB protective activity (filtering systems), Photoderm Milk SPF 60 offers real internal biological protection: Cellular Bioprotectionå¨.
This exclusive patent preserves and stimulates the skin's defenses (immunity) during sun exposure.

-Guarantees optimum UVA/UVB protection against the harmful effects of the sun (sunburn, sun intolerance, etc.)

-Activates the skin's natural defenses, protects from risks of cellular damage and combats premature cutaneous ageing: Cellular Bioprotectionå¨ biological patent

-Smooth texture, colorless upon application, no greasy effect, no white traces

-Excellent tolerance

- Fragrance-free, Paraben-free, Waterproof, Photostable, Non-comedogenic, Hypoallergenic

100ml Tube




En plus de l'activit̩ protectrice UVA-UVB de surface (syst̬mes filtrants), Photoderm Lait FPS 60 offre une v̩ritable protection biologique interne : la Bioprotectionå¨åÊCellulaire.

Ce brevet exclusif assure la pr̩servation et la stimulation des d̩fenses de la peau (l'immunit̩) face au soleil.

  • Peaux sensibles ou intol̩rantes au soleil
  • Peaux tr̬s claires ponctu̩es de taches de rousseur
  • Peaux soumises ÌÊ un ensoleillement extr̻me (haute montagne, tropiques...

åÊ100ML Tube